Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Angelina's 7th Birthday and Zip Lining

For Angelina's birthday we told her we could do whatever she wanted for dinner. She decided she wanted to have KFC, pumpkin pie, and candle light. These things went surprisingly well together... She finally got to find out her surprise birthday gift (trip to disney and one ticket to the park paid by Alyssa and Rafi *thanks guys!*) After dinner i conned my friends and their boyfriends into decorating the cupcakes I have baked in ice cream cones that would go to school with Angelina on her birthday. They turned out so nice! The boys got really competitive (the snake and the volcano...)

In other news...we went Zip Lining this past weekend, sooo much fun and such beautiful weather.

And one more thing; I joined the montreal roller derby bootcamp at the end of August. Its really popular here and the teams get lots of media coverage. I just did my level 2 test (there are 5 levels to pass to make it to team tryouts) and i'm feeling pretty confidant. You can check out the website at

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This is what my brain looks like:

With the Dairy Queen season almost done (1 month to go!) I am getting really excited about two things: 1- going to disney with Alyssa, Rafi, Ben, Angelina and Tony in November. 2-Being able to do some real purchasing and DIY-ing for the wedding. Everything is booked for the disney trip the last things to do are make reservations and the restaurants we want to eat at, and keep an eye on the exchange rate and cash in at the right time. Now for the wedding, my mind is constantly brain storming and i'm so excited to make all my imaginings reality!