Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bridezilla in the making

Hey all,
So now that all the christmas hustle is over and done with i've got nothing to occupy my times and brain space with other than wedding plans! Even though i've got quite a while, Tentative date being july 31st 2010. Mom and I visited a reception hall yesterday that seems very nice! The only thing is that the garden's are a bit small for an outdoor ceremony, but its hard to tell with the 7 feet of snow that are covering the area. I'm going to meet with the manager of the place on monday to discuss dates and caterering ......
In other news Angelina had her first ski lesson on sunday and after two hours she was zipping down the hill!! We were so proud of her. Its was so exciting to see her go, can't wait until mom comes this week to watch! Angelina also had her first swimming lesson last week and her second one today, and finally she is getting used to being in the water. It was a little bit frustrating for Tony with him being a olympic calliber swimmer and having lina being the kid who strangles her parents in the pool refusing to put her upper body under water.
I've got about a month left before the store opens again so i'm going to do my best relax and enjoy having time to make dinner for my family and taking afternoon naps. I'm going to figure out how to put pictures on here soon so you all can see lina in her ski get-up and her bathing cap!


  1. Hey Bridezilla!!

    I read Cole your blog about Angelina skiing and swimming and he said...."geeze she must get really cold". Funny kids thinks Angelina swims in an outdoor pool for her lessons immediately after her ski lesson.

  2. hey is the bouncer going to be ok with a couple drunk maritimers crashing the door at your wedding dance?
